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We believe that ethics and trust in finance has a pivotal role to play in affecting a positive change in the world. Each edition we look forward to exploring bright new ideas from a diverse group of brilliant young people.
Kick-off : 10th Global Prize Ethics & Trust in Finance (2024-2025)
The Global Prize’s 10th anniversary provides the perfect milestone to reflect on the Prize’s journey, its key achievements and the contributions of its Strategic Partners to support a more ethical, transparent, fairer and sustainable financial industry.
How to promote ethics in finance among the new generations?
On 28th November 2023, the Award Ceremony of the 9th edition of the Global Prize “Ethics & Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future” took place, by Zoom.
Ethics and Trust in Accounting and Auditing
Ethics plays an important role in the accounting and auditing professions, as accountants handle sensitive financial information and auditors are responsible for providing accurate reports to stakeholders. Ethics is also crucial for these professions, as their reputation rests on the trust that employers, investors, and the public have in their integrity and their adherence to ethical principles.
After FTX collapse: can cryptoassets be ethical?
The increasing use of cryptoassets is expected to bring many opportunities and benefits through greater competition and efficiency in financial services. At the same time, the volatility of crypto markets has fueled significant concerns for investors and consumers.
Will Sustainable finance deliver? What? How? When?
Sustainable Finance is rooted in the pledge that “doing well” and “doing good” can go hand in hand; that financial returns and positive social and environmental externalities can easily become complements; that finance is a positive-sum game.
Insurance, Ethics and Sustainability
The insurance industry offers a powerful engine to implement the climate transition due to its (global) size, its know-how in managing long-term risks and the multiple roles it plays in the economy. Thanks to their expertise in risk pricing and their investment capacities, insurance companies are capable to structurally influence the behaviour of economic players while supporting their development.
Artificial Intelligence in finance: ethical challenges and opportunities
The online launch ceremony included a Keynote address and a Roundtable discussion, “Artificial Intelligence in finance: ethical challenges and opportunities” and took place on Wednesday 8th June 2022. The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in finance is expected to bring many opportunities and benefits for the industry, its customers and the society.
Does the focus on sustainability in finance make ethics redundant?
On 18 November 2021, the Award Ceremony of the 8th edition of the Global Prize took place. It started with a Round Table “Does the focus on sustainability in finance make ethics redundant?” followed by a Keynote Address by Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union.
Challenges for financial training and education in the post-pandemic world
The launch of the 8th edition of the global Prize Ethics & Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future encourages potential candidates to reflect on the role of ethics to help shape a more sustainable and resilient financial system for the future.
Finance serving the post-pandemic world
The subjects of ethics and trust in finance have a pivotal role to play in bringing about a positive change in our future, post-pandemic world. We look forward to exploring bright new ideas from a diverse group of brilliant people.