
The Winners

The winners essays were:

Marta Rocchi from Italy – First Prize Ex-aequo
« Technomoral Financial Agents: Ethics in the Fintech Era »

Andrea Roncella & Luca Roncella, Italy – First Prize Ex-aequo
« Finance Needs ‘Bilinguals’ Too »

Mateusz Kucz from Poland – Second Prize
« How to Shape Moral Attitudes in Banking – the Polish example »

Andrea Bancone from Italy – Special Commendation of the Jury
« The Moralisation of Contracts: An Islamic Persperctive »

The Award Ceremony

On the 18th November 2019, the Award Ceremony of the 7th edition of the Global Prize “Ethics & Trust in Finance” took place, at the OECD headquarters in Paris.

The Official Launch

On the 18h of September 2018, the official launch of the 7th Edition of the Ethics & Trust in Finance Global Prize took place at the OECD Conference Center in Paris.