Lenders as Monitors of Risk Devolution by Martin Lockman

Lenders as Monitors of Risk Devolution by Martin Lockman

Lenders as Monitors of Risk Devolution Author: Martin Lockman Edition: 8th edition (2020/2021) Keywords: Debt / Credit / Risks Read the beginning of the text In March 2020, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, my fiancée worked as a...
Bringing In the Underbanked by Tara Annison

Bringing In the Underbanked by Tara Annison

Bringing In the Underbanked Author: Tara Annison Edition: 6th edition (2016/2017) Keywords: Credit / Exclusion / Technology Read the beginning of the text Current banking provisions leave an estimated 2.5 billion (Chaia, Goland, Schiff, 2010) adults worldwide without...