Prof. Paul H. Dembinski is the initiator and Director of the Foundation of the Observatoire de la Finance in 1996. The mission of the Observatoire de la Finance is to promote awareness of ethical concerns in financial activities and the financial sector. Paul H. Dembinski is the founder and editor of the quarterly bilingual journal entitled Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun. In parallel, he is partner and co-founder (with Alain Schoenenberger) of Eco’Diagnostic, an independent economic research institute working for both government and private clients in Switzerland and elsewhere. Paul H. Dembinski is also Professor at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) where he holds the chair of “International Competition and Strategy”. In 2019, he has been awarded a Doctorate honoris causa by the SGH-Warsaw School of Economics. Latest published book: Ethics and Responsibility in Finance, Paul H. Dembinski , Routledge, 2017.