How to Shape Moral Attitudes in Banking – the Polish examplePersperctive

Dr Mateusz Kucz
7th edition (2019/2018)
Banks / Ethics / Standards
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This paper concerns the practical problem of the evolution of moral attitudes among representatives of Poland’s banking sector in the face of the requirements imposed by the Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Banking in Poland (SQFB). In order to answer the question addressed in the title, we should reflect on whether work in the financial sector has a moral aspect. I will tackle this problem in the opening chapter of the paper.
In the second part, various methods and tools will be highlighted that are currently used to influence moral attitudes in professional practice. After demonstrating some downsides of such tools, part three will explore possible solutions to some emerging issues and identify relevant tools to meet the requirements established by the SQFB.
In the same section I will discuss an approach to shaping moral attitudes based on Aristotle’s ethics of virtue. In the classical sense, virtue ethics is often juxtaposed with calculating and selfish economic motivation. I will try to demonstrate that it does not have to be the case and that, when some criteria are met, Aristotle’s concept can be aligned with market activities. In particular, his concept of phronesis (practical wisdom) can significantly improve and complement some existing mechanisms and help nurture moral attitudes in the financial sector.