Henri-Claude de BETTIGNIES, the Aviva Chair Emeritus Professor of Leadership and Responsibility (INSEAD) is also the Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Globally Responsible Leadership at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and former Director of the Euro-China Centre for Leadership and Responsibility (ECCLAR) that he created in Shanghai, at CEIBS, in 2006. Between 1988 and 2005, and again since 2013 he has a joint appointment at Stanford University (Graduate School of Business), and he shared his time equally between Europe, California and the Asia Pacific region. Among the 8 books published under his name are: Business Transformation in China (Thompson Business Press, 1996), Le Japon (Flammarion, 1998), Business Ethics: Policies and Persons (McGraw Hill, 2005), and (with F. Lepineux) Business, globalization and the Common Good (Peter Lang, Oxford, 2009) and Finance for a better world: the shift toward sustainability (Palgrave, 2009) and more recently Puissance et Responsabilité: où en est la Chine? (Gulbenkian, 2014) and (with M. Thompson) Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good (Garant, 2010).