Bernd Villhauer is the Managing Director of the Global Ethic Institute (WEIT) at the University of Tübingen since January 2015. He studied philosophy, classical studies and history of art at the Universities of Freiburg i.Brsg., Jena and Hull (UK). After his PhD thesis on a cultural-philosophical topic (Aby Warburg and Ernst Cassirer), he worked in the publishing and media sector, most recently as editorial director of the publishing group Narr Francke Attempto. He taught as a lecturer at the universities of Karlsruhe, Jena, Darmstadt and Tübingen, on cultural and media science issues as well as theoretical and practical philosophy and economics. He is co-founder of the Institute for Philosophy of Practice e.V. in Darmstadt. Since 2013, he offers a seminar “Money and Ethics” at the Global Ethic Institute. He is also the initiator of the series “Klüger wirtschaften”. His current work focuses on monetary theory, financial ethics and investment, topics he bloggs about in his “Finanz und Eleganz”Blog. Bernd Villhauer is currently writing a book “Finanzmarkt und Ethik.